

當前位置:首頁 > LED顯示屏 > p20戶外全防水模組 > p20戶外全防水屏模組


 模組特點(Module Features)

20mm像素間距, 16*16模組分辨率、320mm*320mm模組尺寸,燈驅(qū)合一結(jié)構(gòu),模組輕便、集成度高;

With 20 mm pixel pitch, module resolution of 16*16module size of 320mm*320mm the structure of combined driver board ensures the module light, integration high.


With the features of super brightness, low attenuation, high reliability, good consistency、and high weather ability.


With the module cover ensures dust proof, anti-sun, anti-direct collision with the light emitting chip and also can reach the effect of chip protection.


With three water brushing, moisture proof, water proof, anti-corrosion.


With the adaption of PC engineering plastic and epoxy resin makes the waterproof IP67.


With new buckle bottom cover structure, it’s easy for you to install and remove without loosening screws. The behind shell have two handles which makes it more convenient to carry


The air-water plugs had been installed on module, needn’t to open the shell you can plug the power cord, signal cable, so it’s more safe and convenient to install and use


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